St. Johns High School

What's New



Science Lab

The Science Lab in this school was provided in Memory of Joyce Marley Corrigan, with funding from The Kemper and Ethel Marley Foundation and Science Foundation Arizona.

SJUSD Vision and Mission Statements

Vision Statement

We equip every student with the essential knowledge, skills, and inspiration needed to be productive, contributing members of society. 

Mission Statement

Our mission is to create an environment where every individual feels safe to learn and grow, where each day is filled with experiences that promote well-rounded individuals, encouraging everyone to reach their full potential. 

We challenge and assist each student to develop the following: 

  • Critical thinking skills

  • Academic growth

  • Vocational awareness

  • Community and civic engagement

  • Physical well-being

  • Social-emotional resilience 

All of this is done with the end goal of helping students become productive, contributing members of society.


A Message from Our Principal

Hello St. Johns Community,

My name is Steven Palmer, and I have been lucky enough to be hired as the new principal at St. Johns High School (SJHS).

I am honored by the challenge in front of me to become a part of the legacy that is SJHS. I want to publicly thank Mr. Heap for his years of dedicated service to the school and to the community! He has done so much for the school. I am just barely finding out just how much he did behind the scenes and without need for recognition. He will be missed!

For those new to St. Johns, SJHS serves students in the St. Johns and surrounding areas. One of our main goals is to become a true community. Students and staff alike work alongside one another and the community to ensure we reach our full potential! We want involvement and input from all stakeholders. Thanks to our incredible student body and faculty, we are an “A” rated school!

The challenge of keeping the amazing traditions and achievements of the past and yet finding new and innovative ways to improve is a tall task that I am excited to take on with the collaboration and help of the wonderful faculty and staff here at SJHS! 


Steven Palmer

Mr. Palmer, Principal