Honors English 10 students in Mrs. Hancock's class learned about propaganda and logical fallacies via "speed learning" using posters they created. Like "speed dating," students rotate around the room, meet with peers and quickly share information with each other about the topic of their poster. Teaching about a topic is one of the best ways to make information stick in the long-term memory.
2 days ago, Stephanie Mouritsen
English 2
English 3
We are excited to honor and celebrate School Counselors Week by recognizing Mr. Johnson and all he does for our students and staff at SJHS! Thank you, Mr. Johnson!
3 days ago, Shelly Finch
We want to thank The LOFT for bringing our juniors and any other student in high school the opportunity to have ACT Prep classes to better prepare them for the upcoming ACT test in March.
3 days ago, Shelly Finch
Thank you, Students and Staff, for your patience and cooperation. We are good to re-enter the building!
3 days ago, Stephanie Mouritsen
The State Fire Marshal is here testing our fire alarms, so we are using this time as our monthly fire drill. This is only a test and we will let faculty and students know when to go back into the building.
3 days ago, Stephanie Mouritsen
The 1st Round of the Regional Basketball Tournament will be Thursday Feb. 6th. St. Johns will be hosting both vasity teams. Girls will play Greyhills @ 5:30, Boys will play Many Farms @7pm. The remainder of the tournament will be played at Flagstaff High School on Friday and Saturday.
3 days ago, SJHS
Last week, St. Johns High School proudly sent six choir students, 9 orchestra students, and 5 band students to participate in the Eastern Arizona College Honors Festival to perform with other top high school musicians from around the State of Arizona. They worked with highly respected and accomplished conductors from around the country. The students had a total of 6 hours to practice and work on the songs together before performing on the Fine Arts Auditorium Stage. It took a lot of dedication and focus, and their production was phenomenal! They made their teachers, parents, and community proud! Great job and congratulations to all of those who participated! (Pictured: SJHS Honor Choir)
4 days ago, Stephanie Mouritsen
Honor Choir
Basketball games today are in the Dome @ Round Valley High School. Freshman Girls & JV Boys at 4pm, Freshman Boys and Varsity girls at 5:30pm and Varsity Boys at 7pm.
4 days ago, SJHS
Current sophomores juniors, this is for you! Come see Mrs. Finch between classes or on Friday morning to talk more about your options. Registration begins Monday, February 7th and ends March 1st.
5 days ago, Shelly Finch
Join Mr. Johnson for the Breakfast Club this Friday, 9:00-10:00 in the career center!
5 days ago, Shelly Finch
Let's go SJHS Academic Decathlon team, competing this weekend at Regionals in Morenci!
8 days ago, Stephanie Mouritsen
acadec team
Good luck SJHS Spiritline at the TSC AZ Cheer and Dance Competition this weekend!
8 days ago, Stephanie Mouritsen
Basketball games are tomorrow, February 1st @ Northland Prep. Freshmen Boys - 11:30am, JV Boys - 1:00pm, Varsity Girls - 2:30pm, Varsity Boys - 4:00pm.
8 days ago, SJHS
Tomorrow's (February 1st) Varsity Boys' basketball game at Northland Prep at 4:00pm is being streamed on KAFF Sports and announced by our own SJHS alumnus, David Zorn (Class of 1990). https://www.youtube.com/live/XNKMIjoDEZI?si=xyv6Q3Xq1aREBxbq
8 days ago, SJHS
Additional members of our 750 pound club at SJHS Strength and Conditioning Keyton Musgrove Vincent Tullie John Cameron Way to go guys!!
9 days ago, Brandi Oveson
Tyrell Hendriksen and Asher Hancock, are our strength and conditioning student athletes of the week. Every single day, these guys complete their whole workout as hard as they can. They are working hard to be built different. Way to go!
9 days ago, Brandi Oveson
We are encouraging all juniors and seniors to take the ASVAB on February 12th starting at 8:00am in the career center. THIS IS NOT A MILITARY TEST! Please see the attached flyers for more information and a consent form if your students would like to participate. This form is also available in the office and the career center. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Johnson at the HS. Thanks! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12bT1JqveBkvVBJgjGquKqaUf31hUnXxo?usp=sharing
9 days ago, Shelly Finch
The newest members of our 750 pound club at SJHS Strength and Conditioning Brody Waite Jose Peña Sam Winters Way to go guys!!
9 days ago, Brandi Oveson
The first three members of our 750 pound club at SJHS Strength and Conditioning Larry Hyde Bryson Slade Gavin Gaviria Way to go guys!!
10 days ago, Brandi Oveson
St. Johns High School Spring Sports start on February 10th. All athletes must have their physicals and paperwork turned in and approved before they will be allowed to participate in practices.
10 days ago, SJHS