St. Johns High School would like to thank COACH BECKY ORONA for all her years at SJUSD. Her Assistant Coach, Lisa James said it best... For the last ten years I have been on a wild ride! I thought I was done coaching cheerleading when Becky walked into my life and dragged me back. I thought it would be just one year and I would be done. Nope! I had so much fun with the cheerleaders and Becky, I found it hard to walk away. Becky came into cheerleading knowing very little about it. She caught on quickly and began to rock it! The cheerleaders loved her! She had the spirit and energy to do everything that was needed to have amazing squads, year after year. Her compassion and willingness to do what it took to make sure everyone was included was amazing to see and be a part of. She fundraised, networked, and supported teams that had had little support before. She painted posters in her living room at 3:30 in the morning so that everyone would have a senior night poster. She gave everything she had to a team who was barely ever recognized. She never stopped supporting, caring, and loving the cheerleaders even after they graduated. The amount of athletes touched by Becky’s wondrous love and support is innumerable. I am grateful to know her as a wonderful coach, a kind and generous woman and as a best friend.
over 1 year ago, Deanne Wahl
St. Johns High School is now accepting applications for Head Cheer and Pom Coaches. Please pick up and return applications at the District Office.
over 1 year ago, Deanne Wahl
BUS DRIVERS NEEDED! If you know of anyone interested in a part-time school bus driver position, send them our way! If someone is interested but doesn't have a CDL, there might be an option for them to train through the City of St. Johns. Here is the link with more information about openings in the district.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Patterson
SJUSD's success was recognized last week at the Arizona House of Representatives Education Committee. Read more about it here and see the clip.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Patterson
House Education Committee
Spending the day at the NAU Teacher Recruiting Fair. If you know anyone interested in the following positions, send them our way! -Kindergarten -1st grade -K-8 teacher -Special Education -High School Science -High School Choir
over 1 year ago, Kyle Patterson
over 1 year ago, Kyle Patterson
March 2023
Happy School Maintenance/Grounds Worker Day! We have some of the best men working for us who make our facilities and grounds some of the nicest around. These men go above and beyond in doing whatever it takes to take care of our schools, and we are very grateful for them. (Not pictured is our amazing Maintenance and Transportation Director, Andy Lunsford).
over 1 year ago, Kyle Patterson
Our SJMS Boys Redskins will be taking on the Snowflake Lobos at the Snowflake High School Gym today at 5:00 p.m. If you are in the area stop by and support those boys as the compete in the second round of play offs as well.
over 1 year ago, Kathy Myers
Lets fill our gym TODAY to support our SJMS Lady Redskins as they take on the Lobos from Snowflake in the second round of the play offs. Today at 4:00 p.m. at the St. Johns MIddle School Gym.
over 1 year ago, Kathy Myers
Come support our kids as they present...Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. There will 2 cast performing on different nights. White cast will perform on Thursday and Saturday. Red cast will perform on Friday and Monday. Please see cast list below. Performances start at 7pm each evening. $5 per individual or $25 per family.
over 1 year ago, SJHS
Today's baseball and softball games vs. Hopi have been cancelled.
over 1 year ago, SJHS
Happy School Bus Driver Appreciation Day! Our bus drivers are some of the unsung heroes in the district, transporting students rain or shine (or 50 mph gusts:). These men and women are up at daybreak and transport students daily in town as well as from Hunt and Concho to Mountain View and all the way to Sanders. We are so grateful for them!
over 1 year ago, Kyle Patterson
This post is just to provide information for those interested regarding the fire alarm going off this morning at Coronado. The fire alarm went off first thing this morning. Following emergency protocol, the building was evacuated immediately. Because of the freezing temperatures, buses were brought in to keep students warm. It looks like maybe a burner in one of our heating units malfunctioned due to the freezing temperatures, leading to some smoking/smoke smell. The fire department did a great job identifying the issue and helping us resolve it. Our maintenance team will be working on this unit to fix it. Fortunately, it is a unit that serves a classroom that is not used during the day. When students came back to the school, students who normally eat breakfast were given time to get breakfast. We are really grateful for our great fire department, as well as the food service and transportation departments for making things work this morning. Also, a huge thank you to teachers and staff who sat with kids on the bus and who made the best of a disruption to the normal school day.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Patterson
The fire department has resolved the issue and students are clear to go to class.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Patterson
Update: the fire department is still working on the issue at the Coronado school. Students are on the buses to keep warm. We're hoping for resolution soon so kids can get back in the building.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Patterson
UPDATE: The Sanders and the Concho/Hunt bus routes are CANCELLED for today. All other bus routes are on a 2 hour delay.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Patterson
All of our schools will be on a 2 hour delay this morning. Sanders and Hunt/Concho bus routes on a 2 hour delay for now.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Patterson
HS Wrestling send off for state on 2/16 @ 4pm HS Girls Basketball send off for state on 2/17 @ 7am Please come out and line main street to support these athletes & their coaches! Go Redskins!
over 1 year ago, Shelly Finch
Thank you to everyone who has made a tax credit donation to our schools this year. We really appreciate living in a community that is so supportive of our students. If you have not yet made a tax credit donation for this school year and would like to, the process takes just a couple minutes and can be done on our website (use link below). Those who make a tax credit donation help fund extracurricular activities in our schools while then receiving every dollar back as a tax credit.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Patterson
Tax Credit Donations